Sunday, November 1, 2020

A Good Idea For Everyone

In the calendar of the Catholic Church, the first 2 days of November are set aside to honor those who have died.  

 November 1st is “All Saints Day” honoring all those little-known, but very good people who lived exemplarily lives and are surely in heaven.  


On November 2nd, “All Souls Day” we are encouraged to pray for the souls in purgatory – those who lead good lives but may have had some indiscretions to atone for before being worthy to enter heaven.    


You may not believe in purgatory.  You may not believe in – or are not sure about –  any life after death.  But whatever your beliefs, I think it is important for all of us to set aside some time to think about the people who were special in our lives but are no longer living on this earth.  


They may be a parent, grandparent or other family member; a friend, business partner or even someone we never met, but whose life, words and/or actions had an impact on our own lives.  

I think it's a good idea for each of us to spend a few minutes thinking about what we learned from those who went before us – and then give thanks for the fact that they were in our life.