Driving to the store the other afternoon, I was squinting in the sun. Deep shadows and bright spots were making it hard for me to see the road clearly as it twisted and bended through the hills around our lake.
“Wish I’d brought my sunglasses” I thought … then realized they were right there on top of my head!
I flipped them down and suddenly the road ahead of me became clear …
… and it made me stop and think about how often we find ourselves in a situation in life where we can’t seem to see clearly. The road ahead seems to be in a fog, or out of focus and we are blinded by the bright lights of immediate needs. We stumble and question our direction. If only we could just “flip down our sunglasses” and see clearly.
Well maybe we can!
For me, “flipping down my sunglasses” meant focusing on my goals, on what I’ve determined I want to do – what I want to accomplish.
It meant asking why I chose to do what I do. Where does my motivation come from? What is my source of inspiration? Where is my source of strength?
For me, my goal has always been to reach out to others with love – my family of course, and my friends, but also to people I’ve never even met – and to share some of the things I’ve learned through my life. Maybe giving someone a smile, a new thought or inspiration or motivation. And that is really what this blog is all about.
So I hope that each of you reading this – when you find yourself blinded by the everyday distractions of life – will take a few minutes to “flip down your sunglasses”. Focus on your goals and your source of strength … and then maybe you will see a clearer path to all that you can do and accomplish … because you each have so much to give!!!