A “round-to-it” person has great ideas, often creative ideas, but doesn’t get around to expressing them or acting on them.
A “round-to-it” person may live a comfortable life, though not necessarily a satisfying life – and certainly not a productive life.
A “round-to-it” person is usually surrounded by clutter – things they are going to fix or make, books they are going to read, papers they are going to organize, albums they are going to fill, pictures they are going to hang, notes for stories that they are going to write – when they get around to it.
But if you are truly a “round-to-it” person, you don’t let that bother you. Occasionally you break through and actually do something, but sadly, not often enough. You sit, more or less comfortably, in the middle of all the clutter and all the things you are going to do -- when you get around to it.
Realizing how often I fit that description, I made a New Year’s Resolution to live a more productive life. If you too are a “round-to-it person” and want to break out of that circle, I offer this guide which has worked for me.
Practical Guide for a Productive Life!”
(Do at least one thing, from each category, every day and you will soon discover a sense of purpose and satisfaction – and you will become a “Get It Done” person.)
1. Reach out to someone
It could be something as simple as calling an old friend you haven’t talked to in a while, or making a point of saying hello to a neighbor who you usually just wave to. Or it could be lending a hand to someone in need of help, or joining an organization and working to help others.
2. Clean something
Pick out one thing to clean or organize each day. It could be thoroughly cleaning one room or just cleaning out the junk drawer. Or you could clean out a closet and donate those old clothes that don’t fit – and then you’ve accomplished 2 goals in one!
3. Work on one fault
Even if you are a PPP (practically perfect person) like me, you usually have to admit to at least one fault – tending to be critical, tending to be lazy, spending too much time playing solitaire, or not enough time listening that other person in your house. Or maybe you are eating just a little too much or not exercising quite enough. Identify, admit to and work on just one fault each day.