I grew up with all the Catholic traditions -- including receiving the ashes on Ash Wednesday, fasting and "giving up" a favorite food or pleasure for lent. However, after going through 5 years of cancer and the death of my first husband, I could not do the ashes. I didn't need to be reminded of "dust thou art to dust thou shall return", and I felt that I had done enough "giving up" for a lifetime.
Now, living in a wonderful second marriage and comfortable life, I have no excuses. And I have a much more mature understanding of the reasons for the traditional Catholic "rules" of lent. They are an exercise in self-discipline and reminders of the real meaning of life.
So today I share with you some guidelines for fasting during lent in the words of Pope Francis:

Now, living in a wonderful second marriage and comfortable life, I have no excuses. And I have a much more mature understanding of the reasons for the traditional Catholic "rules" of lent. They are an exercise in self-discipline and reminders of the real meaning of life.
So today I share with you some guidelines for fasting during lent in the words of Pope Francis:
- Fast from hurting words - say kind words
- Fast from anger - be filled with patience
- Fast from pessimism - be filled with hope
- Fast from complaints - contemplate simplicity
- Fast from bitterness - fill your hearts with joy
- Fast from selfishness - be compassionate to others
- Fast from grudges - be reconciled
- Fast from words - and listen